Friday, April 11, 2008

the morning after a bad date gone wrong

I'm here. Sent at 8:41 AM on Friday
marco: hi
me: hey happy friday
marco: not for me
me: well, me neither but i say it anyway Sent at 8:46 AM on Friday
marco: no i don't feel well,didn't sleep weel.back hurt,computer giving me problem and i'm probably gogint tro box with my kids mom's husnband this afternoon when i see him Sent at 8:48 AM on Friday
me: why Sent at 8:50 AM on Friday
marco: because her and i got into it about her buy the boy 50-60 dollar pairs of shoes when there 60 years old and she want me to pay for half aside from 800 child support amonth so.she going to say something to me and i going to take out my anger out on his head.6 yearoldsheis going to say something Sent at 8:53 AM on Friday
marco: i know drama but u ask and i told. Sent at 8:54 AM on Friday
marco: because he runs his mouth think hes a little bad ass and he will be like don't talk to my wife like i will have to break my foot in his ass. Sent at 8:58 AM on Friday
me: hahaha
marco: not that fun to see me fight actually
me: i'm not a fighter so i would laugh
marco: oh me: your temper scares me
marco: y is that?what do u think would happen?
me: i don't know what would but i don't deal well with itwhen i was little and my parents fought (drunk dad) my mom would find me later hiding behind the couchwhen my ex yelled at me for 36hours i tried to hide or find a way to shut it offi locked the bathroom door and he grabbed a screwdriver and busted the doorknobabout two years after my father died of cancer, my mom had a breast cancer scare...i was fucke3d up about it because my mom and i are way close... marco: well i not that bad for 36 hours or anything.but u can expect to push someone button and then not get a pissed off person
me: and for 3 days i was upset. he got mad that we didn't have sex. then he raped me said it was my obligation as his girlfriend to have sex with him, no matter what life threw at me
marco: I sorry to hear more thing for me not to want to touch ubecause i don't want to mess u up in the head.
me: i can't go through that again, marcoi cried all night, didn't sleep last nighti guess it's better it happened so early because i was falling in love with you so damn hard
marco: well then i guess i will leavfe u alone then.sorry about all of thisbut this is actually all ur fault not mine Sent at 9:06 AM on Friday
marco: as a guy u can't fuck his head up and expect hinmt to be ok when u say stop that si the way women get raped.i don't do that but i do get [pissed.
me: hahahahaha whatever. you can't just expect to get laid anytime you want. that is NOT the finale to good kissing. that's pretty selfish and immature, actuallyand women get raped because men think that our duty is to put out. that's bullshit
marco: but u don't get that and most women don't because u guy think it make it more exciting to the man .it doesn't it makes us go its never going to happen and she like fucking with guys head and that is a blow to our ego.well maybe it think like that that has u single./
me: nobody fucked with your head
marco: u did because i say u did.
me: nope
marco: reallyyy??? marco is typing…: i knew u should have out all my hops into u and u were too good to be true and to think i was starting to fal in love with u.thx for show ur true collrscolors me: in a relationship, a REAL one (seems like you haven't had that) people respect each other hey, you too might want to cut back on the 'roids.
marco: did u think u resepct me.when u embarred me infront of the waitress last night?
me: how did i embarrass you?????????????????????????ugh you don't take responsibility for anything you do, do you?everything is always everyone else's fault?
marco: say ing u were going to make out with her?whats my fault exactlly?
me: oh man if you took that seriously, then you definitely don't have thesense of humor to be with me
marco: no that was disrespectfull
me: Nope. I'm done. I don't argue and even though you thriveon drama, I don't.disrespectful is not taking someone's comfort into account and just thinking of your dick.
marco: whatever u fuckin loser go be with the dirt bag there the only ones u deserve!
me: I want to be with someone secure enough toyou're one of them
I'm the loser????????????Hahahaha
Good one.